About X

OUTFIT-X(X) was founded back in 1997 by leader TwistaX in a game called Starsiege: Tribes which is considered to be one of the top 10 games ahead of its time. Tribes was an action packed, high speed game and excelled as a first person CTF style shooter. Back then the name of the team was TRIBE-X. TRIBE-X was involved in some of the worlds first competitive league ladders for Tribes during the introductory stages of competitive eSports and ranked in the top 5 tier all-time.
As time progressed, gaming and technology pushed forward, so did the X. We have contributed and showed our skills and legendary team-work in many FPS game titles since the 90s, always representing the X as a team and family. When Planetside 1 was released, this was our calling. We formed our ranks with X veterans and found new X members in PS1 and lead a very successful campaign against our enemies. OUTFIT-X is known for its leadership as well as for its organized tactics and responsiveness to different situations that arise within Planetside and any game we play. Planetside 1 and 2 have really allowed the X to show its strengths and has allowed us to develope as players and as a family.
All members of X take pride in what we do, respect each other and most of all - we have fun.
Game Titles:
- Starsiege
- Starsiege:Tribes
- Quake (all early versions)
- Mech Warrior(many versions)
- Call of Duty(many versions)
- Battlefield(many versions)
- Planetside 1
- Planetside 2
- Squad