Planetside 2

The X Reckoning.

Its 2018 headed into 2019 and OUTFIT-X has decided to blow the dust off the ol' Planetside 2 files and come back to unleash hell upon Auraxis! 

Due to the state of the game a few years ago, alot of X members took a long vacation from PS2 with hopes that we could enjoy this game or one like it in the near future.  Slowly PS2 has become a forethought on alot of our minds so we decided to give it another try here in 2018.  Yes the game has changed since Vanilla PS2 but there is still no other game like it.

Planetside 2 update

PC servers will be taken offline on Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 6:00AM PT for maintenance. Downtime is expected to last up to 2 hours.

PS2 update 12/13/18

PC servers will be taken offline on Thursday, December 13, 2018 at 6:30 AM PT (1400 UTC) for maintenance. Downtime is expected to last up to 2hours.

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